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Thinking of selling? We'd love to help!
Contact us to find out how our unique marketing and negotiation can maximise your sale price for less cost!
Complete the attached info and hit ‘submit’ or call one of our fully licensed agents directly
Rod Westerhuis 0438191564
Irena Jansa 0438784878
Alan Campbell 0414777338
Jamie Lawson 0407588725
Tips for sellers
Make sure you ask your prospective agents some challenging questions . Don’t underestimate the importance of selecting the best agent to sell one of your largest assets. Don’t forget that a good salesman is but one of the many attributes you need to ensure you achieve the best possible price for your property. Most agents are the same…….almost all can place an ad, conduct an open house, turn up on time and show you their sales awards. Some good questions include:
Do you have a Privacy Statement? Yes, click here to request a copy.
Can I cancel my listing agreement at any time, unconditionally?
Yes. If you're not completely happy with our service you can cancel at any time- no questions asked.
Do I get a licensed agent or do you pass me off to your salaried assistant as soon as you have the signed paperwork?
Yes you get the agent you hired.
On conjunctions, do you offer all other agents a portion of your commission?
Yes! Our aim is to get the best result for our clients even if it means sharing our fee!
Do you expose my property on ALL major internet sites if I want? Can you provide circulation details of all advertising options?
Yes and yes.
Can I see your database and how it works to see how you achieve the best possible price for my property?
Yes and yes.
Do you have a proven sales strategy that is in writing so I can review it?
Yes- just ask.
Do you offer a WRITTEN MINIMUM SERVICE GUARANTEE that includes following up all enquiries within 6 hours, reporting on all enquiries made on your property, keeping in touch daily (or every other day if agreed) and a commitment to provide weekly written reports by a specified time each week?
Yes. If you know an agent that has better systems and processes in place to guarantee you the best possible price for your property we will upgrade our systems and then sell your property for free.
Can you provide me with the names and contact numbers of some past clients?
Yes- just ask.
Do you have any questions for me?